The plan for the party was a drop-in stinky cheese party; while there were many delicious treats and snacks, the star character was the cheese. because we live near a Trader Joe's, we had volunteers to pick some up and were commissioned to bring a pile of it.
As that cheese sat in our refrigerator in the days leading up to the party, we kept thinking something was rotten in there. Even the kids started asking what had gone bad in the refrigerator. I could from the next room when J opened the fridge, because of the malodorousness wafting out. What I am trying to say is that it was STINKY.
Somehow, though, when that cheese joined its friends at the party, it wasn't stinky in there. The party was in the 'Kill, a separate building from their home. There were yummy drinks and yummy food and fun conversation. They are remodeling the building, and changing it from former retail space to something fabulous. There are couches, a pool table and an arcade….and room to dance.
When J's sister put on Wombles' Song, he broke open the dance floor and then everyone joined in. There was even some breakdancing involved.
After the party and cleanup, we all went outside to celebrate that it was still -13 degrees outside…before it dropped still further (that is NOT counting wind chill!). Someone may have even gone out into the snow barefoot.
The weekend was more than a birthday party; it was also Camp Covington 2015. J's parents provided sweatshirts for everyone, designed and created by Grandma and Rosie. It is great to all be able to hang out together!

Part of the fun is taking group photos. With fourteen faces to capture, the timing can make for some funny. For example, in this first shot, everyone is on board. It's a great photo…except for Wombles. (He probably deserves to have it framed somewhere, as a punishment).
When we took the "silly" series, Nutmeg did not get the memo:
While were traveling, Nutmeg always started using the local "Thank you" and "You're welcome" one country behind where we actually were. So it was "ευχαριστώ" in Rome, "Grazie" in Spain and "Gracias" in Scotland. I chuckled when looking over the family photos to see that the same pattern held true with her faces. Although she had been sweet and smiling during silly face time, she made up for it during Victorian:
That's my kid!
What a great weekend! Thanks to everyone!
Thank you, Hol! Great shots--and hysterical non-conformity!