The trip deserves a post of its own: we drove along the winding Greek coastline for the first time since
Road to Epidaurus |
Because we were able to see some of their architectural prowess at the theater in Epidaurus--built out of massive stones in the 3-4th centuries BC, the outdoor amphitheater has nearly perfect acoustics. The limestone seats amplify high-frequency sounds--such as the actor's voices and the musical instruments--while muffling the low-frequency sounds (such as the like crowd noises). Were you sitting at any spot in the theater, you could hear (unamplified) a match struck onstage. I had been very much looking forward to seeing Euripides' The Trojan Women performed in this theater.
The Romans added the second level of seats |
to find a local congregation to worship with while in each city. We found ours a few minutes' walk from our apartment: First Evangelical Greek Church ("services simultaneously broadcast in English"). Minutes went by and we had our transmitter headphones on but no translation; I tried to follow what was going on even as I dreaded keeping the kids still and quiet when they could not follow the service at all. I despaired of a worship service that was a repeat of the play the night before.
However, even though we couldn't understand the words of the call to worship, invocation, prayers and scripture reading, the music and the very pattern of worship were making the Lord's service accessible to us in ways that had been prevented the night before by the missing action of the play. There were two sets of hymnals; one each in Greek and English. So I stumbled through the timing of singing words to familiar tunes alongside other people singing them in a Greek. When the sermon began, Behold! there was a visiting pastor preaching in English with a live translator into Greek. After the sermon, I switched to stumbling through the Greek words as we sang, feeling ever more united to the fellow Christ-followers in the room. And as we sang the very last hymn, Margaret started dancing--unprompted--just as she does during the closing song of the service at home. She also found the service accessible.
Carmen, Charlie and William chatted after the service with a girl Carmen's age who moved here from the States a year ago Thursday.
We were able to worship across language and distance, and found the Holy Spirit and Christ's church accessible, after all. And I was reminded of this from Ephesians 2:17-22:
"And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit."
And so, it was amazing to hear the Greek play in the theater at Epidaurus under the ancient stars just down the road from Ancient Corinth: but I am sensible of how much more astounding it is that we could share in worship and be welcomed and at home as aliens. As we sang this morning, "Αλληλούια!" (Alleluia!)